Growth through Tragedy

We all have experienced tragedy. Through death, disasters, sickness, and hardships, we each have experienced a magnitude of tragedy. It affects us all differently as it comes in different scopes, but one does not truly understand what it is like until it is directly affecting their life. At this moment, the citizens of Houston, Texas are experiencing their own version of tragedy. Hurricane Harvey crossed their path and has left them with inches of rain in a matter that has never been seen before. It is unprecedented. Now, the people of Houston are left to pick up the pieces of the disaster that Hurricane Harvey left in its path. There is not only the floods to worry about, but the rising prices of oil as well as the cost of repairing the city. Most important of all, however, is how the storm has impacted the lives of the people, both in their professional lives and amongst their families. The media focus on the tragedy of the destruction left in the people’s wake, but they fail to acknowledge how the storm is truly affecting the people on a much more personal level. When tragedy strikes somewhere else, we give our condolences and promise of prayers and we continue on with our lives like nothing ever happened. We do not think twice as we just proceed on with our day to day lives. We are so detached to how people feel. The world is being driven by so many types of media that our lives have become an attempt to show the world a version of ourselves that doesn’t exist. We seek to impress others by masking our imperfections and burying our emotions, when in reality these are the aspects of each other that we should pay attention to the most. We forget to acknowledge people as human beings who are each are so unique and have so much to offer the world. Tragedies like Hurricane Harvey remind me how fragile and precious our life is and how important it is to make the most of your time on this planet. Every person you meet can teach you something when you take a minute, remove judgment, and listen to what a person really has to say. We live in a world that expects us to be perfect, but we are human beings that make mistakes and one must remember that.
- vic


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